Paris NN-nin yarımmüdafiəçisi Tsarukyan: Ronaldinyonun oyunu standartdır, amma mən Eden Hazarda daha yaxınam

Paris NN-nin yarımmüdafiəçisi Tsarukyan Ronaldinyonun oyunu standartdır, amma mən Eden Hazarda daha yaxınam

Pari NN-nin yarımmüdafiəçisi Valeri Tsarukyan bu yaxınlarda futbol dünyasındakı ilhamları haqqında danışdı. O, əfsanəvi braziliyalı oyunçu Ronaldinyoya böyük heyranlığını ifadə edərək, onu bir çox namizəd futbolçulara əhəmiyyətli təsir göstərdiyini qeyd edib. Ronaldinyonun özünəməxsus üslubu, yaradıcılığı və oyuna sevinclə yanaşması idmanda silinməz iz buraxıb və Tsarukyan da istisna deyil. Bununla belə, Ronaldinyonun təsirinə hörmətlə yanaşsa da, Tsarukyan Eden Hazardın oyun tərzini təqlid etməyə çalışdığını açıqladı. Keçmiş Real Madrid və Chelsea cinah oyunçusu müstəsna dribling bacarığı, görmə qabiliyyəti və oyunun gedişatını dəyişdirmək bacarığı ilə tanınır.

Tsarukyan Hazardın meydandakı çevikliyini və taktiki məlumatlılığını yüksək qiymətləndirir və inanır ki, bu keyfiyyətləri bir oyunçu kimi onun güclü tərəfləri ilə daha sıx üst-üstə düşür. Tsarukyanın futboldakı səyahəti, rol modellərinin idmançının inkişafını necə formalaşdıra biləcəyinin sübutudur. O, Ronaldinyonun istedadını Hazardın dəqiqliyi və effektivliyi ilə birləşdirməyi hədəfləyir, idmanda öz şəxsiyyətini oymağa ümid edir. Karyerasında böyüməyə və təkmilləşməyə davam etdikcə, Tsarukyan onu ruhlandıran əfsanələrə hörmətlə yanaşmaqla öz izini qoymağa qərarlıdır.

Valeri Tsarukyan: Əfsanələrdən ilhamlanıb, öz yoluna fokuslanıb

“I watch videos of Ronaldinho; his style of play represents the pinnacle of football for me—he’s truly an icon. However, it’s quite challenging to replicate his game, so I find myself more drawn to playing like Eden Hazard.When asked if he had followed Hazard’s career, Tsarukyan replied, ‘No, I haven’t really kept track of his career. Growing up, I didn’t watch much football; I spent most of my time playing on the street with a ball. Recently, though, I’ve been watching a lot of footage from his prime. I admire how he dribbles in the center, makes multiple touches, and pushes the ball forward. That’s the kind of play I really enjoy.’

Tsarukyan’s reflections highlight the importance of role models in shaping a player’s approach to the game. Ronaldinho, with his flair and creativity, embodies the artistic side of football, captivating fans worldwide with his mesmerizing tricks and joyful spirit. His ability to entertain while performing at the highest level is something that resonates deeply with many young players, including Tsarukyan. On the other hand, Eden Hazard represents a more contemporary style of play that combines technical skill with tactical intelligence. His ability to navigate tight spaces and make quick decisions under pressure is something Tsarukyan aspires to emulate. He appreciates how Hazard can influence a game not just with individual brilliance but also by working within a team framework, creating opportunities for teammates while still being a potent goal-scoring threat.

Valeri Tsarukyan Əfsanələrdən ilhamlanıb, öz yoluna fokuslanıb

Growing up playing on the streets, Tsarukyan developed a natural love for the game. Those informal matches fostered his creativity and instincts on the pitch, allowing him to experiment and learn in a less structured environment. He believes that this background has been fundamental in shaping his playing style, allowing him to express himself freely when he’s on the field. As he continues to develop as a player, Tsarukyan is focused on blending the best of both worlds: the joy and creativity of Ronaldinho with the effectiveness and tactical awareness of Hazard. He understands that while it’s vital to have role models, it’s equally important to carve out his own identity as a footballer.

In his journey, Tsarukyan hopes to inspire the next generation of players, just as Ronaldinho and Hazard have inspired him. He believes that football is not just about individual talent but also about the connections formed on the pitch—between teammates and with the fans. The joy of playing the game, creating memorable moments, and contributing to the team’s success is what drives him. Overall, Valeri Tsarukyan’s journey reflects the essence of football: a blend of passion, dedication, and the pursuit of greatness, all while honoring the legends who paved the way. As he continues to grow and face new challenges, he remains committed to refining his skills and making his mark in the sport he loves.”
